Workshop Munich 2016
All presentations and workshop results can be found here: Agenda and results of the Munich Workshop October 2016
1st Joint SIG 3D and OGC Workshop on the CityGML UtilityNetworkADE - Munich (Germany), October 13-14, 2016
The workshop is hosted by
and supported by
Aim of the workshop
The OGC CityGML SWG, the SIG 3D and the Technical University of Munich (TUM) will host a joint international workshop regarding the development of a CityGML ADE for utility networks.
It will be the opportunity to gather requirements, ideas, suggestions, and positive as well as negative experience from CityGML users, data producers, software vendors, and scientists developing and using a CityGML UtilityNetworkADE.
Aim of the workshop is to discuss and define a harmonized version of a CityGML UtilityNetworksADE and other development tools like libraries for wide spread use in the development of applications based on utility networks.
The workshop will take place on October 13-14, 2016 in Munich, Germany. Further information on the venue can be found here: Venue.
Agenda and Addressed Topics
This is a short version of the agenda. The detailed agenda can be found here: Agenda of the Workshop.
- THURSDAY, 13 October 2016
- 12:00-13:30 Welcome address and round of introductions
- 14:00-15:00 Introduction to the CityGML UtilityNetworkADE
- 15:00-16:00 Further standards relevant to modelling 3D utility networks
- 16:30-17:30 Use cases which require CityGML-based utility networks
- 17:30-18:00 Preparation of discussions for the next day
On Thursday evening a joint dinner will take place at a traditional Munich restaurant or beer cellar. The directions: Löwenbräukeller.pdf
- FRIDAY, 14 October 2016
- 09:00-11:00 Group work/discussion in small groups
- 11:30-12:30 Presentation of group work results
- 12:30-13:00 Discussion of the next steps
The organizers will contact a number of individuals and groups from which they know about their CityGML activities in the utility networks sector and ask them for presentations soon.
Nevertheless, if you intend to participate and think you could contribute perfectly to the agenda items "Further standards relevant to modelling 3D utility networks" and "Use cases which require CityGML-based utility networks" please feel free to contact Tatjana Kutzner with a possible presentation topic.
In addition, we would like to invite every participant/organisation to give a 3-minute introduction of him/herself in the round of introductions by preparing two presentation slides:
- One slide on the expectations or interest in this workshop/in the UtilityNetworkADE
- One slide on use cases the UtilityNetworkADE is required for
Please send these slides to Tatjana Kutzner before October 10, 2016.
Who should participate
If you are a CityGML user, data producer, software vendor or a scientist working on or using utility networks based on CityGML, you are encouraged to participate in the workshop.
If you are involved in simulations but not yet familiar with CityGML and interested in an interoperable and compatible exchange model for city simulations you are also welcome.
Registration is necessary. Please send an e- mail with Name / Company / E-mail address to Tatjana Kutzner.
Be aware that the number of participants is limited. The deadline for registration is: 2016-09-28.
Costs of participation
The event is sponsored by the Chair of Geoinformatics at the Technical University of Munich. Hence, participation is free of charge including coffee breaks. Costs for travel and accommodation will be at the participants own expense.
Organizing Committee
Thomas H. Kolbe, Tatjana Kutzner | Technische Universtät München |
Ingo Simonis | Open Geospatial Consortium |
Egbert Casper | SIG 3D of the Geodata Infrastructure Germany |
For any questions regarding the workshop, please contact Tatjana Kutzner.
See also